Women in Nuclear Canada is pleased to join as a signatory to the joint Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) and International Energy Agency (IEA) Equal by 30 initiative, as part of the Clean Energy, Education and Empowerment Initiative (C3E), which works to advance the participation of women in the clean energy transition, and close the gender gap.
Equal by 30 is a commitment by public and private sector organizations to work towards equal pay, equal leadership and equal opportunities for women in the global energy transformation by 2030. The Equal by 30 campaign asks companies and governments to endorse principles of equal pay, equal leadership and equal opportunities, and to take concrete action to close the gender gap in the clean energy sector.
Women in Nuclear Canada joins the growing list of signatories as an opportunity to convey its ongoing commitment and efforts towards gender equity and equality in the nuclear energy sector. This partnership aligns with WiN-Canada mission to promote career interest in nuclear engineering, science, technology, the trades and other nuclear-related professions, especially among women and young people. WiN-Canada will be sharing its measurable commitments as part of Equal by 30 in the coming months.
This aligns with so much of the work we do in WiN. Nuclear has an important role to play in the clean energy mix, and women are vital to the success of the nuclear industry.
Lisa McBride, President, Women in Nuclear Canada
Empowering and increasing the representation of women in the energy sector is essential in the transformation to a clean energy economy. Growing evidence demonstrates that gender diversity increases profits and generates efficiencies.
Key Facts
- Increasing the number of women in senior roles by 30% results in an increase of 15% in profit
- Closing the employment participation and wage gaps increases women’s income by 76%
- Advancing gender equality will add $12 trillion to the global GDP by 2025.
For more information on the Equal by 30 initiative, visit https://www.equalby30.org/en.